5 Simple Tips For Judging
By Bob Pontiff

While there are pages and pages that define VTCI’s judging events, criteria and processes, the following simple tips can help you be a better individual judge.

    1. Know the Official Factory Specifications for the section and models you will be judging. A limited number of judges at some judging events sometimes forces a situation where you may be asked to judge models e.g., 1955-57, 1958-60, 1961-63, etc. or sections e.g., undercarriage, engine compartment, interior, etc. for which you are not familiar. To mitigate this, ask the chief judge to provide your specific assignment at least a day before the judging event, and then put in some homework prior to judging.
    2. Talk to only the owner or team captain concerning questions of authenticity or quality. You should initiate these conversations when you have a question. The team captain will bring in the chief judge if he cannot answer your question. A typical question you may have to ask the owner about is when the spare doesn’t match the other four tires. This would only be allowed if the spare was the original. While the size, whitewall width, brand and construction provides some clues, reproductions are readily available, you would still have to ask the owner if the spare was original.
    3. Do not identify deductions to other team members and do not accept unsolicited identification of defects in the area for which you are judging.  Nobody, not the team captain, chief judge, owner of another car, or another team member, should point out deductions to you. This is a matter of fairness. Two people can find more defect than one and clearly you would not have the same type of assistance on every car you judge. When somebody points out a deduction to you, politely inform the individual that his or her help is not allowed and then deduct the points only if you would have identified the defect yourself.
    4. Fill out the judging form properly. Make sure the car and owner information is correct and print your name in the place provided for the judge’s name.  If the line item being inspected is modified deduct one (-1) modification point, make no entry if the item is not modified. The item is either modified or it is not, no ½ points here. When assessing the quality points put the total point awarded and not the points deducted, i.e., if you want to deduct ½ point from a 5 point line, enter 4½ and not -1/2. Quality points can be awarded in ½ point increments and cannot exceed the defined maximum total for a line. Do not tally the points on the form.
    5. Identify safety concerns as you spot them to other team member and the team captain. Items like gas leaks can be dangerous and immediate safety precautions should be taken.